no i dont like all the rain thats part of the fall picture, but i darent complain since we had such a drought for a few years and also since my plumber informed me today that another one is on the way. yep, that's right i get my weather from a plumber. he rescued me a third time in the five years that i've owned my little cottage and described how roots looking for water can squeeze a pvc pipe just like a python until it cracks and they get in. yikes! meanwhile it means the sweetgum tree in that area, a very old majestic sweetgum tree mind you, is VERY happy with its access to my water/sewer lines. yuk.
so what did we do on this fine fall day other than pay a plumber $200 bucks? plant 3 new trees! yay.
i know, kinda nutty, but they were a white flowering natchez crepe myrtle, and an orange flowering tea olive. i mean, orange. how could i not? my sweet man picked them up at the atlanta tree sale this weekend and gave them a fine home here on sunset...far from the water lines...for now. oh and we moved a redbud that wasnt in a good spot.
next weekend we'll head north in search of real fall weather and color. i wanna soak up some of theirs and then come back and enjoy ours, double dose! yeh. i love fall best.
and no, the plumber's name wasn't joe.