georgia bikes is looking for an executive director of their statewide bicycling advocacy nonprofit. so if you know me, and many friends have echoed these words this month,...this job is perfect for me! a lifelong cyclist whose been paying dues forever and finally studying what she loves and intends to work in the field and is only 3 classes shy of a masters in public policy with a concentration on alternative transportation and nonprofit management...this is a dream come true. two rounds of interviews later and i honestly dont know where i stand. i think it went well and i really liked and connected with several of the board of directors, but we all know they never see the full picture of someone in an interview. i wish they'd ask for referrals and talk to some of y'all. y'all know me, y'all have been kind, and y'all are right, i can't imagine more perfect timing for this opportunity. i do hope they see it the same way. i sure am ready to do some good work in bicycling advocacy. so do a little dance for me and i'll promise to make safe places for you to ride when you come down georgia way. ;)