Thursday, December 25, 2008

season's greetings

spoiler alert: this isnt your average holiday message filled with sugar plum fairies. it's christmas day and i've just roasted a pan of vegetables, wrapped a box of artisan cheese, rearranged my tea/herb collection, vacuumed the house, and am headed out to walk the dogs. 5 days prior my family gathered for xmas at moms and i've been depressed ever since and dreading this day. aubrey dropped off his dog for the day and jumped in his family caravan to gwinnett. i am truly alone on christmas.
BUT, so far, its not actually bad. my time is TOTally my own. the day has warmed up and the sun has come out. and i'm receiving texts from folks who envy me. hmmm. well even if i'm not sure if this is a good thing, at least i had the buffer days to sulk and get it out of my system b/c i'm not actually bummed today. i didnt expect this, i figured it'd be worse than all the days leading to it. but thankfully one of the things i have learned in 46 years is that i dont like being depressed and can usually pull myself out of it within a reasonable period of time. i'm all about, feel what you feel and let it out...but i just need it to move on down the road and let me be. so i'm feelin a little chipper, looking forward to dad passin thru town in a few days, cooking a few meals with some friends in town over the next week, and catchin some hoops. somehow i think i have survived christmas alone. i dont recommend it, but its doable i guess. season's greetings y'all.

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