Sunday, September 25, 2005


today i volunteered at the botanic garden's annual insect-ival. i staffed the migration station for the monarch butterfly. the volunteer coordinator whom i met 2 years ago when i moved home said i think you'd be good at the game where kids learn about the world's only butterfly that migrates from north of california to georgia. he he he! and indeed it was fun. this year, there's even some scientists in an ultralight that are tracking the annual migration to mexico. so here's what i learned, they only eat 1 plant on the planet, milkweed, they dont fly at night or in rain/clouds/snow, and they head south every year for winter. tons of kids came out for the day and i even talked madison and nicholas into lunch at the Insect Cafe, where Chef Kudon prepared tandoori crickets, hexapizza, chocolate chirpers, mealworm stew, and honey bee tea. no one really went for the mealworms...just too whole. eck!

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